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Hare We Go is a 1949 Warner Bros. Merrie Melodies cartoon starring Bugs Bunny that was released in 1951. 


In 1492 Christopher Columbus is arguing with the king of Spain whether the world is round or flat. Eventually the King kicks Columbus out of his palace. Then Bugs Bunny emerges from his rabbit hole and asks Columbus what's bothering him. Columbus says that no one believes his theory, but Bugs Bunny says "She looks round to me, Doc." Queen Isabella of Castille speaks to Bugs Bunny and Columbus from a window, offering him her jewels if he can prove the world is round. Bugs Bunny tells Columbus that he can prove that the world is round. He takes out a baseball and glove and throws the ball “around the world.” When the ball returns to Spain, it is covered in travel stickers from all over the globe, proving Columbus’ claim. After this Columbus sets sail around the round, and Bugs Bunny accompanies him as a mascot. The crew thinks Bugs Bunny is bad luck and as time passes and there is no sight of land, these feelings grow stronger. When Columbus tells Bugs Bunny that they will hit land the next day, Bugs Bunny hurries to tell the crew and celebrate with them. The next day they do not hit land and many weeks pass by. Stranded with little food at sea, the famished crew decides it is all Bugs Bunny’s fault, and plan to kill him and possibly eat him. Bugs tricks them into jumping overboard by having them look through a telescope pointed at pictures of landscapes. After this, all the boats that were following Columbus leave. Now it is only Bugs Bunny and Columbus. As Bugs Bunny serves Columbus the little portion of food left, Columbus pictures Bugs as a piece of meat and begins to chase him with the intent to kill and eat him. As this chase is going on, the boat hits land and Bugs falls overboard onto it. As he claims to have discovered America, Columbus (standing on high ground) makes the same claim. Bugs lets Columbus have the credit as "there is no use changing history for him".

